June 19, 2023 marks the fourth World Albatross Day. On this occasion, the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) has chosen “Plastic Pollution” as the theme for the day.
The ACAP website explains that, to illustrate this issue, “two albatross species have been chosen:
Albatross sanfordi, classified as globally threatened, endemic to New Zealand;
Thalassarche melanophris albatross, widely distributed;
In addition, there will also be information on last year’s chosen species, the North Pacific albatross Phoebastria nigripes and albatross P. immutabilis, which ingest more plastic than southern hemisphere species.” ((Article source: https://www.acap.aq/fr/world-albatross-day-fr/wad2023-la-pollution-plastique).
Thanks to ACAP for this article, further proof that seabirds are now on the front line of plastic pollution.